Post by Annabel Hewer on Jan 21, 2012 19:19:50 GMT -5
Hello! I know I've been absent for a bit and logging on infrequently. I'm sorry about that. Truth is, it's my last year of high school, so the workload is heavy. I think I've said that before. But also... we've been having some family issues. And by we, I mean my parents. I'm staying at my aunts house with my sisters for now. I don't mean to be a downer, but I wanted to let you know what's going on. That being said, I'm hoping to be on a little more to distract myself. So watch out for when I whore my characters around! I hope all of you are well!
Post by Elsie James on Jan 21, 2012 19:26:31 GMT -5
Hope you're okay as can be, lovely Also, on a completely unrelated note, I tried to read & scroll down at the same time, so I read it as 'I don't mean to be a whore...' ... oops (;
Post by Annabel Hewer on Jan 21, 2012 19:36:30 GMT -5
Thanks, Cassie. Lol, haha! That made my night.
Marko Dashwood
Fifth Year Prefect Played by Jane
i don't need to flirt. i will seduce you with my awkwardness.[RS:10=Ella Malfoy]
Posts: 622
Post by Marko Dashwood on Jan 21, 2012 20:01:16 GMT -5
Aw, Mati, I'm sorry! D:
Anyway, I hope you're all right, and eternal hugs and ja, I've missed you. XD