Eli Pritchard
Seventh Year Prefect Played by Riss
Posts: 451
Nov 13, 2012 0:53:40 GMT -5
Post by Eli Pritchard on Nov 13, 2012 0:53:40 GMT -5
I'm bored and I hate everyone. Help me fix this, please. Entertain me.
Nov 13, 2012 8:47:08 GMT -5
Post by Fritz Towler on Nov 13, 2012 8:47:08 GMT -5
I can help you become un-bored, but I can't change the fact that you hate everyone. That comes from within and can only change when you love yourself first. You can't like other people if you hate yourself, Eli.
Where are you anyway?
- Fritz
Eli Pritchard
Seventh Year Prefect Played by Riss
Posts: 451
Post by Eli Pritchard on Nov 13, 2012 14:14:28 GMT -5
On a scale of one to Socrates, how high are you?
FYI, I love myself, I despise everyone else.
And I'm bored and sad
Prefects bathroom.
- Eli
Nov 13, 2012 22:07:43 GMT -5
Post by Fritz Towler on Nov 13, 2012 22:07:43 GMT -5
Actually, I'm not even high. Crazy, yeah?
Aw, Eli, I think that's the most egotistical thing I've ever heard you say. You're so charming.
I'm bored, too. You wanna go smoke?
Perfects bathroom... you're going to be the next Moaning Myrtle. Except you'll be named Execrable Eli. (And I say that with love.)
- Fritz
Eli Pritchard
Seventh Year Prefect Played by Riss
Posts: 451
Nov 14, 2012 0:31:30 GMT -5
Post by Eli Pritchard on Nov 14, 2012 0:31:30 GMT -5
Wait, you're not high? Stop the presses, this is news to me.
I'm the queen of charming, I'll have you know. Don't say fucking otherwise.
Yes, come up here. I can wait at the door or just give you the password. No one's in here but me. I hate Rose and the majority of the other prefects, so they tend to leave me the fuck alone. I'm quite sociable, you know.
You're such an arse.
Nov 14, 2012 7:35:54 GMT -5
Post by Fritz Towler on Nov 14, 2012 7:35:54 GMT -5
Dude, tell me about it.
I always say you're charming - it's other people who don't believe me.
You hate everyone. Alright, cool. I'll be up in a few. Yes, I know you're sociable - it's everyone else who isn't.
I love you, too.
- Fritz
Eli Pritchard
Seventh Year Prefect Played by Riss
Posts: 451
Nov 14, 2012 22:25:20 GMT -5
Post by Eli Pritchard on Nov 14, 2012 22:25:20 GMT -5
Awe, you love me. Prove it by getting your arse up here. Now. Please. -Eli OOC: did you want to start that thread now? and off to do moira/nellie!
Nov 14, 2012 22:57:51 GMT -5
Post by Fritz Towler on Nov 14, 2012 22:57:51 GMT -5
You know it, hot stuff.
Sheesh, I'm coming!
- Fritz
((ooc: sure thing! i shall start it momentarily!))