Rose Weasley
Head Girl Seventh Year Played by Cassie
[RS:2=Seth Wishart]
Posts: 2,198
Post by Rose Weasley on Jul 23, 2012 14:15:23 GMT -5
Did I? When? Which your/you're should I have used?!
Then the kittens will eat them, and their parents will say "I told you so!" and all the other children will be extra-good just in case!
Because I like him, and he's really nice, and he was teaching me how to play guitar, so it just sort of happened accidentally. And then again, some more times. Very weird, but very lovely! And I bet lots of people want to kiss you - I heard a boy in your year say so, so there! Just be picky, and don't kiss idiots. I don't know why anyone would want to kiss McLaggen, from what I've heard!
Lots of love, Rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lily Luna Potter
Fifth Year Prefect Played by Becca
[RS:2=somebody secret]
Posts: 571
Post by Lily Luna Potter on Jul 23, 2012 14:29:43 GMT -5
Wait, I'll get your other letter. You wrote "whilst your sleeping." Some Head Girl you are, you can't even get your grammar right!
Kittens don't eat people, silly Rosie.
But if you like him, and you like kissing him, why don't you want to go out with him? I mean, I'm not saying you do, I just honestly don't understand, because I've never really wanted to kiss anyone. Also, how can you kiss someone accidentally? And I don't believe you. Which boy? And Bronson's nice, but I wouldn't want to kiss him. Ew.
Lots of love, Lily
Rose Weasley
Head Girl Seventh Year Played by Cassie
[RS:2=Seth Wishart]
Posts: 2,198
Post by Rose Weasley on Jul 23, 2012 16:17:29 GMT -5
Damn. Oops. You'll have to be Head Girl instead...
Yes they do! Sabre-toothed tiger babies would! Actually, I bet any kitten Professor MacElfrish's cat (the one that started this entire debacle!) would do - that cat is fucking terrifying! So there, silly Lily (that sounds really cute! Sillylilly!)
Oh, I don't know how to understand it. Like, you like ice-cream, right? And you like eating ice-cream? But you wouldn't want to just eat that, because it'd be a bit unhealthy and you'd get bored of it. Does that make sense? It's very easy to kiss someone accidentally - you just get a bit too close and wazam! It happens. Trust me.
And you should believe me! I don't know - I don't know everyone in your year! He was blond-ish, and about average height, and his tie was really scruffy and he's in Hufflepuff and not on the Quidditch team. I'll point him out next term if I see him and you in the same vicinity! Glad to hear it - don't kiss Bronson.
Lots of love, Rosie xxxxxxxx
Lily Luna Potter
Fifth Year Prefect Played by Becca
[RS:2=somebody secret]
Posts: 571
Post by Lily Luna Potter on Aug 5, 2012 9:55:22 GMT -5
Sorry it's taken me a bit to reply. I couldn't find your letter - turned out Jamie had buried it under his quidditch things.
Sabre toothed tigers are extinct. And how do you know what Professor MacElfrish's cat's like?
No, that doesn't make sense. If you go out with someone, you don't only kiss them, do you? D'you mean you want to kiss him, but you want to kiss other people too? I can't imagine ever kissing anyone accidentally.
I don't believe in him. The only boy I know in Hufflepuff is Hugo. And I'm not kissing Bronson.
Oh, and my friend Shelly wants to know if it's against the rules to have sex in the dorms. I didn't know, though I think it probably is, especially as she's only fifteen, come to think of it. But I said I'd ask you.
Lots of love, Lily xxxxx
Rose Weasley
Head Girl Seventh Year Played by Cassie
[RS:2=Seth Wishart]
Posts: 2,198
Post by Rose Weasley on Aug 5, 2012 10:09:24 GMT -5
Do the rest of the human race a favour, and just clout him one with a bludger's bat one day. For me? Please?
I told you, it tried to attack me! Maybe a sabre-toothed tiger mated with something that wasn't one, so when the rest of them died, there was a little bit of sabre-toothed tiger genes still left in the gene pool, and all of them ended up in Professor Mac's cat.
Yes, and no. You remember Kaycee, right? That's still a bit too raw to make anyone as lovely as Seth a viable option. Oh, it's weird. Never mind, Lil.
I'm not making up people! I am definitely past the age of having imaginary friends. But if you're going to be sulky and not believe me, then that's cool. And that poor boy will pine away forever - I hope you feel guilty... I'm glad to hear that you're not kissing McLaggen though, good life choice on your part.
Um, prob'ly? I don't actually know. I think people do though, so. But isn't it illegal to have sex at 15? I think that trumps 'against the rules'.
Lots of love, Rose xxxxx
Lily Luna Potter
Fifth Year Prefect Played by Becca
[RS:2=somebody secret]
Posts: 571
Post by Lily Luna Potter on Aug 12, 2012 12:58:58 GMT -5
I though you called them Beater's bats? Anyway, I don't have one. I'd have to steal Louis'.
I'm pretty sure someone who actually understood genetics properly would be able to tell you why that's not possibly. But okay.
But I do mind! What did you cross out all over the place there?
You're inventing people out of your head, Rosie. Anyway, I don't want to kiss some random boy either. I don't want to kiss anyone. Bronson's okay though. Why don't you like him?
I passed on what you said. And yes, it's illegal. To be honest, I don't think it would stop her, whether it was against the law or the rules.
Lots of love, Lily xxxx
Rose Weasley
Head Girl Seventh Year Played by Cassie
[RS:2=Seth Wishart]
Posts: 2,198
Post by Rose Weasley on Aug 12, 2012 13:23:59 GMT -5
Yeah, that's it! It's the holidays - my ability to write or speak or think coherently has drastically reduced.
If I wanted to tell you, then I wouldn't have crossed it out, silly. It was probably unimportant, or grammatically incorrect, to be honest. Either way, I can't remember!
I'm not inventing people, I promise! Why would I even do that?! I don't dislike him, I don't even really know him. I just don't think that from what I've heard about him - ie., he's a complete whore - that he's the sort of person you should want to kiss, that's all. But if you don't want to kiss anyone at all, then that's cool too.
Oh dear...
Love, Rose xx
PS-- I'm going to Edinburgh for a couple of days soonish, so if it takes a little longer for me to reply, that's why!